The Fountain of Youth, described as 'A mythical spring that is said to restore the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters.' Where is this magical fountain and is it possible to bottle up enough of its mystery and power to last a lifetime? Will one drink be enough or will it wear off after a period of time? I believe without a shadow of a doubt if this fountain truly existed the curiosity from within would prompt one to embark upon a a mission to find it and jump right in. You know, just to see what happens. As daydreamy as that sounds, it really makes you think. With so many changes all around us, what reason would we have to believe that our minds and bodies are exempt from it all? We cautiously step through life making our way through the ups and downs, the opinions of others and becoming more conscious as time goes on, yet we tip-toe through aging as if we are somehow going to dodge Father Time. Coming to a realization that the pressures of the world are a reality and no longer something our parents were saying to frighten us. Let's take a step backwards to the days when you felt as if time was forever on your side. When you truly believed you were invincible and there was nothing that could stop you from doing whatever you desired. Days that turned into weeks, that gracefully became months, that flowed into years filled with no worries of aging. No covering of grey hairs. No calorie counting or carb control. No fear of the unknown and no reason not to believe that these moments of youth would not last forever. So it begins, the never-ending chase to restore what we once were. Society and social media play a huge part in the way we respond to and handle change. It is never strange hearing a person say how they want to look and feel, it's the process in which we take to achieve it. Drastic measures, enhanced appearances and flawed notions just to feel better about one's self and fit into a box that most definitely isn't one sized fits all. I do it, you do it, who says it's right, wrong, or indifferent. Perhaps it's just the course of life and we are simply going through the motions while attempting to age gracefully. From a visual perspective, the majority of us are aware of what makes us feel alive. The style in which we choose to wear our hair. The types of clothes we buy, the jewelry we adore and the way we feel when we see the reflection in the mirror. There is not one single being who has to be you, except you. As a die-hard believer in doing what makes you happy, I support change. I encourage healthy growth in finding the essence of what makes you tick. Not your partner, or the love of your life, just you. It's likely no surprise that I am a huge supporter in fairytales and anything mythical in nature. So, if by any chance you want to take this journey in finding a certain magical fountain, count me in. I buy amazing road trip snacks, and I don't mind taking a late night dip or two. Whatever it takes to tighten up a few things here and there.
Remember, you are as young as you feel and believe you are in your dreams. ~AJ
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AuthorAJ is a creative writer and storyteller writing from her home in Indiana. Archives
October 2024
"This is how you do it; you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it's done. It's that easy, and that hard." -Neil Gaiman