I had the true honor and pleasure of chatting with my friend, Mr. Richard Wilford. He is not only an amazing writer, author and creative soul, he is a respected pastor, motivational speaker, Army veteran and the list goes on! Take a look for yourself and get to know him, he has a lot to say. ◆ How are you doing on this amazing day?
I’m feeling great, and I am super excited about sharing this moment with you. ◆ Writers are known for having thoughts at any given time. When do you have your best ideas? I agree!! It’s at any given moment. My writing moments seem to come between the hours of 3am- 6am. Six years later and four books later, it’s still the same and like clock work and without an alarm clock. ◆ If you had to give a title to the blueprint of your life, what would it be called? Finding my way!!! I often say, If any of us had to draw the path of our life on a graph, the line would consist of ups, downs, twist, turns, loop to loops, several steps forward and too many steps backwards. It seems as if it has been a long search for who I am and what I am supposed to be doing. ◆ Do you remember the first time you brought ink to paper? I didn’t get good grades in school, but English was my favorite subject. The first book I started to write was called, “What to do when it’s not your turn!!” It stayed an idea for almost 15 years later when I published it. ◆ Where do you pull your inspiration from? Everywhere!!! I travel, read, and surf the internet and for it. I sit on benches and people watch for it. I watch documentaries of people who have pressed their way through life to be great. I absolutely love seeing people flow in their passion and gift. Just this week, I randomly asked a lady at my job, “What is your dream job?” It was almost as if I had woke her up out of a trance. It startled her, but she rattled it off so fast that you could tell, she knew it. She said, “I want to open my own cafe. I want to know all of my customers on a first named basis and I want you to be able to walk in and smell that warm cup of coffee brewing.” This is what I am talking about!!! People are walking around day after day like zombies daydreaming about places they would rather be and what else they would prefer to be doing. It always unctions me to seek harder to find the things that I love and am good at. There is no greater feeling than doing what you love to do and it pays for your lifestyle and the ability to continue doing it. I think those who have found and operate within their love, gift and passions, should be extra loud advocates for pushing and challenging the rest of the world to find their place in this world. The world would be a better place if everyone was doing exactly what they were designed and purposed to do in this life.
It’s been a bitch of a day, work was insanely busy, traffic a whole entire nightmare and you just want to get home to that hunk of dark chocolate, moist and delicious, melt in your mouth cake you brought home from dinner last night. It is single-handedly the one thing that will put a smile on your face. Along with a tall glass of milk to wash it all down. Perfection has never been as flawless as this vision of loveliness you have just painted in your mind. The diet will start tomorrow, but today, there is cake and that’s all that matters!
Your husband is picking up the kids so there is a small window of opportunity to simply do you for a change. The first order of business, kick off the work shoes, pin the hair back and change into something comfortable because it’s about to go down in approximately 6 1/2 minutes. For just a second it crosses your mind that maybe you should check to make sure no one has touched your cake, but they would dare not cross enemy lines and start that type of war. Besides, they remember how painful it was to eat dads cooking for a week after your skinny pop mysteriously went missing. There are two sides.
Side A: You believe that a new year means a brand new you, along with the opportunity to re-invent yourself, possibly make a few necessary changes that you weren't able to in the previous year. It's a fresh start, your goals are prepped and ready for full implementation. You love everyone and your new profile pic is an image of a cute furry animal! Side B: You are the same exact person you were before the clock struck midnight and there is absolutely nothing you want to change about yourself. Simply put, it's just another day and you are ready for the weekend so you can be left alone. Your profile pic is the same as it was last year, because once again, nothing has changed! The new year is upon is, goals have been set and are perfectly in order however there is still so much disruption and unbalance that we continue to be thrown off. Adjustments are necessary in order to set our lives back into a forward and positive motion. It's as if we were hired as extras in a movie we didn't ask to be in. How do we escape what seems to be a scene straight out of The Matrix? Watching the world unfold is heartbreaking, terrifying and absolutely discouraging.
I grew up in Gary, Indiana at one time known to be the murder capital of the nation. If you calculate the number of residents against the number of killings the statistics might frighten you. It was and still is the place I call home. Hearing the news of another killing was just another day in the life of a girl from the hood. Moving away from my hometown in my early 20s I truly had no idea of the differences between two sides, the race wars that were brewing and the fight for justice and humanity that will forever be an ongoing battle. I was young, I had not a care in the world. I grew up, I started listening and my views changed which is the natural progression of most. So we hope! The events of the past year were heavy which made it understandable that the world was ready for a fresh start, a new beginning and hope for a better outcome. Re-building as a nation is long overdue and it starts with the men and women who were deemed worthy enough to lead this great place of The United States of America. The stakes are high, the people are watching, the people are nervous and in high anticipation of a day when we can exhale and get ready for a much-needed woosah! We all know what's going on in the world, there is no need to call out names and put folks on blast, they did a pretty amazing job of doing that all on their own. With all things there is a little rain even on a bright and sunny day. I'm highly optimistic however I would be telling a tale if I wasn't wondering where the silver lining was in all of this. The dawn of a new day brings about hope for change. Hope that the great people in this world can come together and join forces instead of continuing to widen the gap with confusion and anger. I choose to smile through it because frowning causes lines I am not ready for. And I pray because I believe in the power it brings. Be good to one another, learn from the mistakes of yesterday and let's pick up the pieces and push forward. ☀️ ~AJ |
AuthorAJ is a creative writer and storyteller writing from her home in Indiana. Archives
October 2024
"This is how you do it; you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it's done. It's that easy, and that hard." -Neil Gaiman