I'm not sure when the dreams began, however, I recall being immersed in this mind-boggling, sometimes emotional, other times frightening, most definitely weird, and very often, mesmerizing and emotionally stimulating place, and I wanted more. It was and still is a safe addiction, and I am ok with that. It became my 'thing'. Oh wow, would you look at the time, well let me turn in for the night because chances are I have something waiting for me in what always felt as if I was stepping into another realm of reality. My imagination has always been on another level, which I believe lends a hand in where I allow my mind to go when I am resting. As a writer, I see it as a gift that keeps on giving. My dreams have taken me to places full of the most beautiful colors. My dreams have taken me down dark and dreary roads that led to an open palace of floating pillows and peaceful music. My dreams have also led me on a search and find for a special person, only to stumble upon one single horse leg. In reality, the sight would make any person scream in horror, however, in my dream, I picked it up in hopes I would stumble upon this horse with 3 legs and somehow re-attach it. I recall a recurring dream when I was a teenager and it has never happened again. It's not too often that I dream of people close to me, family or friends, but it does happen here and there. The faces that I see are typically that of a stranger and the moment I awake the images forever vanish, never to return. There are nightmares, however, I realize that only happens when I have eaten something that didn't quite agree with me. Dreams are weird. They reside on the other side of fear and allow my wild imagination to take flight! "Dreaming is an act of pure imagination, attesting in all a creative power, which if it were available in waking, would make every man a Dante or Shakespeare." -H.F. HedgeThere was a period of time when I did not dream as often. I was in the middle of moving which is very stressful and I didn't feel relaxed. I grew a bit worried as dreaming was my getaway in a sense and I wanted them to return. In my past research on what dreams meant and why a person would have them so often I have read that dreams typically happen when a person is stressed or going through something mentally. I beg to differ and I can tell you that is quite the opposite. When the stress began to leave, my vivid dreams returned. Not every night, but very often. Describing the feeling is hard for someone who doesn't experience what I do, so I tend to keep them to myself unless they are just too weird not to share. I used to keep a notepad by my bed to immediately jot down the details of my dreams and then google what it could possibly mean. It's my dream, so how would another person be able to tell me why I was floating on a magic carpet with my coworker. Last night I dreamt I was in jail. I have no idea what I could have possibly done to land there, but I can tell you with great certainty when I awoke, I was in my nice cozy bed, smiling from ear to ear. I no longer wonder where my dreams come from, I simply allow my mind to run free and take me on a journey. ~AJ 💭
The Fountain of Youth, described as 'A mythical spring that is said to restore the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters.' Where is this magical fountain and is it possible to bottle up enough of its mystery and power to last a lifetime? Will one drink be enough or will it wear off after a period of time? I believe without a shadow of a doubt if this fountain truly existed the curiosity from within would prompt one to embark upon a a mission to find it and jump right in. You know, just to see what happens. As daydreamy as that sounds, it really makes you think. With so many changes all around us, what reason would we have to believe that our minds and bodies are exempt from it all? We cautiously step through life making our way through the ups and downs, the opinions of others and becoming more conscious as time goes on, yet we tip-toe through aging as if we are somehow going to dodge Father Time. Coming to a realization that the pressures of the world are a reality and no longer something our parents were saying to frighten us. Let's take a step backwards to the days when you felt as if time was forever on your side. When you truly believed you were invincible and there was nothing that could stop you from doing whatever you desired. Days that turned into weeks, that gracefully became months, that flowed into years filled with no worries of aging. No covering of grey hairs. No calorie counting or carb control. No fear of the unknown and no reason not to believe that these moments of youth would not last forever. So it begins, the never-ending chase to restore what we once were. Society and social media play a huge part in the way we respond to and handle change. It is never strange hearing a person say how they want to look and feel, it's the process in which we take to achieve it. Drastic measures, enhanced appearances and flawed notions just to feel better about one's self and fit into a box that most definitely isn't one sized fits all. I do it, you do it, who says it's right, wrong, or indifferent. Perhaps it's just the course of life and we are simply going through the motions while attempting to age gracefully. From a visual perspective, the majority of us are aware of what makes us feel alive. The style in which we choose to wear our hair. The types of clothes we buy, the jewelry we adore and the way we feel when we see the reflection in the mirror. There is not one single being who has to be you, except you. As a die-hard believer in doing what makes you happy, I support change. I encourage healthy growth in finding the essence of what makes you tick. Not your partner, or the love of your life, just you. It's likely no surprise that I am a huge supporter in fairytales and anything mythical in nature. So, if by any chance you want to take this journey in finding a certain magical fountain, count me in. I buy amazing road trip snacks, and I don't mind taking a late night dip or two. Whatever it takes to tighten up a few things here and there.
Remember, you are as young as you feel and believe you are in your dreams. ~AJ Watching summer leave is hard, the sunny days accompanied by the constant chirp of birds, the flutter of the hummingbird that stops by for a drink of nectar every other week, and the feeling of the warm sun shining down on you. It's the feel-good season and everything that comes along with it. The sundresses, flip flops, and the summer get-togethers on the back deck. Easy to understand why a disturbance in all that glory will cause a sudden shift in your attitude and the atmosphere. Fall is officially upon us. But, let us not be dismayed by the beginning of colder weather and chilly mornings which warrant the ceremonious unpacking of winter clothing and the quick adjustment of the thermostat from cool to warm. You know, just enough to knock the chill off as they say. The sweaters, throws, coats, scarves, hats, and most importantly the boots! If it were not for my undying love of boots in their array of styles and colors I might move to the warmest region I could find during fall and winter. Because without them, what is the purpose?! The day I stepped into my boots was the first day of fall. In true fashion, Mother Nature went along with the theme. The morning started off quite chilly, around 43 degrees to be exact, followed by an afternoon burst of sunshine that warmed up to a balmy 64 degrees. Perhaps my desire to change my attire was a tad bit premature or perhaps it was right on time. Either way, once I make that switch, I find it hard to go in reverse. There is no denying that fall is one of the most beautiful seasons. The falling leaves and the changing colors are magical in a sense. The hot cocoa and movie nights. The freshly washed throws that we wrap ourselves in that eventually put us to sleep. The homemade soup and meals that stick to your bones. The get-togethers that used to happen outside that will now move indoors to feel the warmth and coziness that awaits. A couple of days after the cooler weather made its grand entrance, the temperature warmed up quite a bit. As I prepared to head out for shopping, my mind said wear your sneakers. The problem, I had already christened the boots with their first outdoor excursion, so I didn't want them to feel left out. Sitting in the corner I could have sworn my boots whispered, 'Well hello there, lover'. So I chose them, along with the tank top I was wearing for the close to 80' degree weather. While it might seem strange, I have learned to embrace going with the flow, appreciate the odd things and enjoy all there is to love with falling into fall. "Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." -F. Scott Fitzgerald~AJ 🍂 One of the most fascinating things to witness is a magician. For some reason it doesn't seem all that enticing until you actually see it for yourself. Before you know it you are staring in astonishment, and just for a moment, think your eyes might be playing tricks on you. Nevertheless, you can't stop watching, wondering what's getting ready to happen, and if the next trick will be better than the last. The experience will leave you mesmerized and a bit frightened, because let's be honest, most things we don't understand have a way of scaring us just a bit. An inquiring mind makes you want to figure this whole "magic" thing out, but it's more complicated than you think.
As most of us have seen on social media, hashtags are popular, and they either come for just a moment, or stick around for a lifetime to create lasting impressions. Even if you aren't on social media, what's here to stay will eventually find a way to the big screen, television, or simply by word of mouth. CaShawn Thompson started a phrase in 2013 called #BlackGirlsAreMagic. Eventually this phrase would be changed to a shorter and very popular version that is now known as #BlackGirlMagic. And so it began, something that started as a simple but powerful phrase would create a trend that would launch a movement, a catalyst that would connect women of color all over the world, and yet another reason for women to show their greatness. This movement would encourage and strengthen a force from deep within our souls and turn it into the most powerful magic show you have ever seen. |
AuthorAJ is a creative writer and storyteller writing from her home in Indiana. Archives
October 2024
"This is how you do it; you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it's done. It's that easy, and that hard." -Neil Gaiman