I am currently in the middle of a packing frenzy as I prepare to move across the states and get accustomed to new surroundings, new people, and new things. As challenging as I know it will be, I truly enjoy the hustle and bustle of it all. I have moved more times than I can count on both hands, and the reason has always been because I enjoy the feeling of re-inventing myself. Designing new space and creating something magical is quite exciting. The process of going through closets and drawers allows a moment of reminiscing, followed by sincere smiles. A picture tucked away, an article of clothing that I wore to a memorable event, or maybe even special greeting cards I received over the years. There are some things I find necessary to discard, and some that will forever have a place in my life wherever my next destination takes me. Less is more...so they say. Who 'they' is I may never know, however, I am sure you have heard the saying before. Having never been successful at implementing the idea behind it, I incorporated a habit of going with the flow and taking it from there until I realized change is not something I need to be afraid of. Imagine how cluttered your home would be if you held on to every single article of clothing, all the electronics you have ever purchased, or perhaps all the cars you have owned over the course of twenty years or more. Living this way can at times cause a great deal of frustration, and insurmountable stress which will create an even larger obstacle to overcome. Sometimes it warrants removing certain elements, things, and even people from your life to allow a new and enhanced way of living. "Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions." -Barbara HemphillSimilar to packing up your home and discarding things that no longer serve a purpose, the same rules apply when it comes to the people you choose to have in your circle. The older I grow, the more this makes perfect sense. I have many people in my life, who are amazing! I also have those who I knew could no longer take a seat at the table on my next journey. It's not personal, yet so personal. The power of peace is important for your overall well-being, and if it isn't, you should make moves to ensure it remains at the top of your list of things to achieve. It can feel like a balancing act trying to keep it all together while feeling the need to make everyone else happy, except yourself. There is no written rule on how to begin the process of determining what and who truly matters. Learning how to declutter your home and your personal life takes time, so go at your own pace. I wish I had the perfect solution, but I do not. For myself, it was something that seemed to happen one day, although I realize it was part of my growth over the years. Never feel bad for doing whatever it takes to make yourself happy. Harsh realities are an integral part of the plot twist in life, once you learn to accept them, peace will soon follow. ~AJ 😌
She's an award-winning, published, and produced writer, author, performer, educator, comedian, accomplished playwright, and the list continues on. Her dedication to the fight for social justice is heard and seen while making sure you laugh along the way. Lucy knows the importance of reaching the younger creative minds and spends time writing to inspire and lift the youth to new heights. It goes without saying, Lucy is an amazingly spectacular creative soul and one to watch! By all means, see for yourself... ◆ How are you doing on this amazing day?
It's a glorious day, full of possibilities. The sun is shining, I've fueled up on two cups of coffee and I get to speak with you. ◆ Writers are known for having thoughts at any given time. When do you have your best ideas? Pre-Covid, my best ideas often came to me at the gym during my workouts. That fact kept me motivated and fit. These days I find my best ideas come to me when I step away from the desk and go outside. Go for a walk, garden, explore. ◆ If you had to give a title to the blueprint of your life, what would it be called? Resilience, sung to the tune of "Tradition" from the musical Fiddler on the Roof. ◆ Do you remember the first time you brought ink to paper? I can't remember the exact date, but I know it was early. I grew up in a household where children were seen, not heard. I discovered I had a voice through writing, and it was my big secret superpower. I do recall one of my first stories was about a girl with supernatural abilities which I enacted with a blue globe agapanthus as my scepter. ◆ Other than writing, tell us what else you love that gets your heart pumping. Playing the piano. Dinner with friends. Traveling. |
AuthorAJ is a creative writer and storyteller writing from her home in Indiana. Archives
October 2024
"This is how you do it; you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it's done. It's that easy, and that hard." -Neil Gaiman