Make no mistake about it, every single person on the face of this planet has an opinion and most aren't afraid to voice it, be ostracized because of it, unfriended at the tone of it, or simply looked at as weird, unforgiving and downright rude because you expressed it. Speaking up and owning your voice is a cocky move and you should be prepared for those who just don't and will never get it. So, make sure your skin is thick and your sensitivity meter is turned all the way down, past zero. What makes a person feel bold enough to say exactly what's on their mind without thinking twice? Some are born this way, with aggression and fierceness so powerful that everyone not only sits up and listens, but they dare not say anything against what you have just proclaimed as the truth. Some are a little meek and take their time finding their true voice, but once they arrive it's like new energy has been lifted and those in the path better take cover, and quick! I hope you're ready because this level of awesomeness is not for everyone. As a fumbling symbol of courtesy, we sometimes find that we have muted ourselves when we should have been shouting. Maybe because we thought our choice of words would have hurt someone's feelings, or we felt a need to belong, and being different seemed too much like going against the grain. Ever brushed your hair with your hand in the opposite direction? Well if you haven't, try it now. Go ahead, try it, I'll wait... Feels weird right? Going against the grain doesn't feel good initially until you realize it's actually quite soothing. Takes time to realize most things, there is no exception here. I decided to take a poll to see what the majority has to say. Vote below and let me know which one best describes you. Who is your favorite singer?Did you find it hard to choose because all the above is an accurate description of you? If you answered yes to that then congratulations, you are human! The fact of the matter is, most of us have had one if not all of these feelings at some point in time during our lives. It doesn't mean you are lacking in your ability to be a level of sarcastic that memes are made of, it just means it is what it is.
Over the past 5 years, I feel as if I have been on a sorry, not sorry tour. I am not going out of my way to let you know I couldn't care less what you think of my actions or words, but I'm also not going out of my way to make sure you do care. If you know anything about me, you are aware that I was always shy and quiet growing up. I didn't speak up, I was often afraid to from the fear of either sounding stupid or misunderstood. Those feelings carried me through my adolescent, and young adult years. I now realize the struggle to get out of my own head and into my true feelings was a bit rough because I wish I'd found this magical voice years ago. Hindsight is 2020. No pun intended. I'm a believer in things happening in their perfect due time, so I won't complain. Time is also one of the best teachers, you learn a lot if you pay attention and listen to the lessons along the way. In the middle of a conversation, have you ever been so heated and disgruntled that your opinion and choice of words was delivered all wrong? You end up leaving the situation feeling defeated, angry and bitter. There is a balancing act that must be kept in mind when, and if you are ready to own this badge, and three rules that will leave you feeling victorious. Rule #1: Leave anger out of it, no one is going to listen to someone who is yelling at the top of their lungs, your point will never reach the target. Rule #2: Respect others opinions. Not everyone is going to agree with how you feel, what you did, why you said what you said, or how you express yourself. Rule #3: This is most important. Say what you mean, and mean what you say, don't waiver. If you believe in it, speak it! Own your voice and let it be heard without apology. Sorry not sorry has a passive-aggressive flair to it, but it's also a respectful way of saying hey I like you, but I do not care what you think. Simply hilarious, yet so true. So, keep in mind, if you hear this, don't be offended, instead, be honored that someone cared enough to sarcastically and nicely address the situation. When it's all said and done, there is no obligation to be anything or anyone you are not comfortable with or ready for. When the time comes, you will feel it and know without a shadow of a doubt. ~AJ
Cedric Sumner
6/22/2020 23:41:33
Nice writing, good conversational tone. Informative and engaging.
A. Jones
6/23/2020 00:31:30
Thanks my friend, glad you enjoyed it 😉
6/23/2020 08:59:32
This was very interesting and touched on exactly what's going on today with everything going on in the world. You have a way with words, very captivating.
A. Jones
6/23/2020 12:57:36
Thanks for reading! Glad you liked it. ☺️
Quick wit, sarcasm queen and unapologetic about it...yeah that's me. Never been a fan of talking just to be talking. That's why if I said it, I meant it. In high school my favorite line was "Say what you mean and mean what you say". (I even think its listed under my pic in the senior book). But now I'm definitely TeamSorryNotSorry.
A. Jones
6/23/2020 13:08:19
They most certainly will be ok. It’s important to be conscious about what you say however at the same time you have to stick to what you believe in. My motto will always be sorry, not sorry.
Ravikant Bharati
6/24/2020 05:03:07
Good that you get people exploring themselves. Otherwise we spend most of our time judging others. Nice read.
A. Jones
6/24/2020 08:25:06
This is so very true. Once I got to a place where I was confident and strong in my own opinions and beliefs I was free to truly see how that felt. Exhilarating 😊. Thanks for stopping by
6/24/2020 07:44:39
Wow!!! Everything you said in this article is what people should learn and gleam from. Owning your voice and not being apologetic if its the truth that can convict people. There is one statement that convicted me,"Say what you mean and mean what you say."
A. Jones
6/25/2020 09:07:12
Thank you so much Michael for sharing your own testimony. Isn’t life amazing! The things and obstacles we overcome is nothing short of amazing. I am glad you could relate to this post. Appreciate you 😊
Craig Williams
6/24/2020 11:42:34
Great post! I was voted Most Quiet in my high school yearbook...when I think of my quiet and shy years I think in reality I was just waiting until I had the right things to say now as an adult. Now that I can i most certainly do. I view it like music, made up of notes and rests. When the time comes the notes speak their piece, when the time comes rests deliver peace. Missing either and all sounds wrong, add them together and you get a song.
A. Jones
6/25/2020 08:57:55
Thank you Craig! Love that, when the time comes the notes speak their piece and the rests deliver their peace. Love the analogy ☺️
6/26/2020 05:22:39
I recognise and resonate with much of what you say here, Alicia - definitely (for my own sins!) very much falling into yr first category! Very professionally, crisply and engagingly written too, I thought... Have a great wknd....
A. Jones
6/26/2020 06:47:27
Ah yes, thank you Scott. How much time have we spent worrying that our words would be misconstrued, and not enough time owning our voices. It’s so important to remember that. Thanks for stopping by 😊
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AuthorAJ is a creative writer and storyteller writing from her home in Indiana. Archives
October 2024
"This is how you do it; you sit down at the keyboard and you put one word after another until it's done. It's that easy, and that hard." -Neil Gaiman