Here’s a Prophetic WORD for SOMEBODY!! SURVIVE!!
Rather it be on ramen and wieners, peanut butter and jelly, or sardines and crackers, SHOUT, I WILL SURVIVE!! Rather it be on the dollar menu of Burger King or A McDollar you found between the cushions of your couch, SCREAM I MUST SURVIVE!! Rather it be the balance from an old dirty gift card hung up in the visor of your car or change from under your car seat, HOLLER, I SHALL SURVIVE!! Rather it be off of three day old leftovers or the frozen mystery meat in the back of your freezer, DECLARE IT, I WILL SURVIVE!! Even if you have to put things together that don’t match. A Ham sandwich and a bowl a cereal, an orange and one taco, a can of tamales and a hand full of potato chips, six flaming hots, one pop and a wish sandwich, you must DETERMINE COME HELL OR HIGH WATER, I WILL SURVIVE!! It won’t always be like this!!!! I COMMAND BETTER, BETTER, BETTER,BETTER, BETTER, BETTER, BETTER!!!! Somebody SHOUT IT, I WILL SURVIVE BECAUSE BETTER IS COMING!!!!! ~Richard Wilford
~AJ"The world is full of so many amazingly extraordinary people, and I want to share them with all of you."
January 2024
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